c-stac-api: C-CORE STAC API - A catalog of C-CORE products.
andoya-api: API for the C-CORE Andoya project.
spill-sight-api: API for detecting oil spills from synthetic aperture radar data.
c-core-stac-api: C-CORE's STAC API for cataloging spatial-temporal assets. Updates elastic search whenever cog-stac converts an input image to a COG. Keeps the file storage bucket and Elasticsearch index in Sync.
iceberg-detection-api: API for Iceberg Detection Suite.
ids-windows-api: FastAPI based api to trigger the execution of IDS.
acs-api: Arctic CrowdSourcing API.
sherlock-data-api: Ingest and Metadata transformation API.
oam-api: Open Aerial Map backend API.
auth-debug: An API to debug Cognito tokens.
arturo-stac-api: Arturo's STAC compliant API implementation - superseded by STAC-API.
stac-api: FastAPI/postgres implementation of the STAC API specification.
react-map-gl: React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS. Also integrates seamlessly with deck.gl.
Django/DRF-api: Administration UI for users, Rest API for file management for RPAS project.