C-CORE listing of Hosted Applications and On Demand Processes
Current as of February 18, 2021
Hosted Applications Via Netlify- polarview.c-core.app
- www.idg.network
- sherlock-frontend.c-core.app
- ship-bergs.looknorthservices.com
- s3.c-core.app
- react-ln-s2-changedetect.c-core.app
- stac.looknorthservices.com
- oil-spill.c-core.app
- www.newbrunswick.app
- docs.c-core.app
- control-web.c-core.app
- staging.polarcode.app
- coresight2.looknorthservices.com
- cognito-user-manager.c-core.app
- remote-sensing.c-core.app
- www.churchillriver.app
- maps.looknorthservices.com
- stac-search-web.c-core.app
- mosaic-web-aws.c-core.app
- storybook.churchillriver.app
- eo-dash.c-core.app
- storybook.polarcode.app
- storycore
- confident-beaver-d532ad
- sleepy-kepler-380c5b
- change-platform
- mosaic-web.c-core.app
- ecosar-learning.c-core.app
- marine-institute-oil-response.c-core.app
Hosted Cloud Run Containers#
CCORE-LOOKNORTH(ccore-looknorth)- auth
- auth-test
- cog-ingester
- coresight-auth
- endpoints
- fastsentinel
- ice-drift-api
- ice-drift-ingester
- mosaic-tiler
- river-ice-api
- river-ice-ingester
- segmenter
- sns-pubsub
- stac-search-ingester
- titiler
- tusdcog-ingester
- ice-drift-api
- river-ice-ingester
- segmenter
- sentinel-1sherlock
- sherlock-dev
- stac-api
Sherlock- sherlock
- sherlock-dev
- stac-api
Hosted AWS resources#
Canada- mosaic-tiler
Frankfurt- ln-s2-change-detection
- sen2cor
ohio- polar-code (shoreside)
Canada- acs
- s3fs-instance (ftp server)
Ohio- get-historical-observation
- ice-charts-API
- email-notify
Virginia- AdminQueries
- ChangeDetection
- collection manager
- dev-uppyloader
- fileRetrievel
- LookNorthUserManager
- PolicyServer copes policy manager
- SampleSecure (cops)
Frankfurt- ChangeDetection
- changeDetectionService
- coresight-sentinel-tiler
- production-sentinel-tiler