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The shapefiles are either one with points and ' 'one with polygons for each of the two types of anchorages. These ' 'files are a comprehensive dataset of anchorages and anchorage areas ' 'in Canadian navigable waters. This dataset will be updated as ' 'needed.', 'notes_translated': {'en': 'Canadian Anchorages and Anchorage Areas is ' 'comprised of four shapefiles which include ' 'anchorage areas (ACHARE) and single ship ' 'anchorages (ACHBRT). The shapefiles are either ' 'one with points and one with polygons for each of ' 'the two types of anchorages. These files are a ' 'comprehensive dataset of anchorages and anchorage ' 'areas in Canadian navigable waters. This dataset ' 'will be updated as needed.', 'fr': 'Mouillages et zones de mouillages canadiennes est ' 'composés de quatre fichiers qui comprennent des ' 'zones de mouillage (ACHARE) et des mouillages à ' 'un seul navire (ACHBRT). Les fichiers sont soit ' 'un avec des points et un avec des polygones pour ' 'chacun des deux types mouillages. Ces fichiers ' 'sont un ensemble complet de données sur les ' 'mouillages et les zones de mouillage dans les ' 'eaux navigables canadiennes. Cet ensemble de ' 'données sera mis à jour au besoin.'}, 'num_resources': 6, 'num_tags': 0, 'org_section': {}, 'org_title_at_publication': {'en': 'Fisheries and Oceans Canada', 'fr': 'Pêches et Océans Canada'}, 'organization': {'approval_status': 'approved', 'created': '2016-09-23T17:25:21.313583', 'description': '', 'id': 'E56460A0-2055-4BF4-A693-EA238E0746E7', 'image_url': '', 'is_organization': True, 'name': 'dfo-mpo', 'revision_id': '2fe1eccf-7937-4aed-af09-5d5ce737980f', 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Pêches et Océans ' 'Canada', 'type': 'organization'}, 'owner_org': 'E56460A0-2055-4BF4-A693-EA238E0746E7', 'place_of_publication': [], 'position_name': {'en': ''}, 'private': False, 'program_page_url': {}, 'ready_to_publish': 'true', 'relationships_as_object': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2020-06-15T15:20:51.493660', 'data_quality': [], 'datastore_active': False, 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'Chart 1 : Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms', 'name_translated': {'en': 'Chart 1 : Symbols, Abbreviations ' 'and Terms', 'fr': 'CARTE N° 1 : Signes conventionnels, ' 'abréviations et termes'}, 'package_id': '622a7f72-4a00-4f9e-b04f-af6551c77db3', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': 'guide', 'revision_id': 'e80eef31-dc0a-434d-94c9-bcddfac5b0f5', 'state': 'active', 'url': 'http://chs-shc.gc.ca/publications/chart1-carte1/sections/n-areas/anchorages-fra.html#section', 'url_type': None}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2020-06-15T15:20:51.493670', 'data_quality': [], 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '', 'format': 'PDF', 'hash': '', 'id': '4b691a34-2d0a-400a-9e9f-06f62099cdfb', 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'last_modified': None, 'mimetype': None, 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Chart 1 : Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms', 'name_translated': {'en': 'Chart 1 : Symbols, Abbreviations ' 'and Terms', 'fr': 'CARTE N° 1 : Signes conventionnels, ' 'abréviations et 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